
About the Project

Pattern re-branded from iServe to Pattern in 2018 and the company rolled out an initial brand identity. I was hired later that year and we worked as a small team to push the brand further by articulating key components such as color, illustration, brand structure and messaging. By doing this, and with the help of an amazing team, we expanded the voice and personality of the brand which ultimately lead to Utah’s Silicon Slopes awarding us “Brand of the Year” in 2022. Pattern has become the leading global ecommerce accelerator that has weathered the storms of the tech industry with their amazing teams and boundry pushing technology.



Creative Direction by Justin Woods
Additional Art Direction by Chase Estes
Original Pattern Logo by Josh Mendenhall
Identity Design by Chase Estes, Justin Woods and Mike Fox
Illustration by Chase Estes
Additional Design by Justin Woods and Mike Fox
3D Rendering by Kevin Gent
Photography by Casey Hyer, Scott Davis and JMills
Animation by Gelo Tinbang
Web Design by Webstacks, Justin Woods and Chase Estes
Video by JMills (